TMJ Therapy
Millions of Americans live with chronic headaches, neck aches and jaw pain. They visit doctor after doctor, rarely finding the cause of these headaches or a cure. Dr. Dunlap has discovered that many of these people are suffering the side effects of nightly jaw clenching and grinding. Dr. Dunlap has helped hundreds of patients get life-changing relief from their headaches, jaw pain, and even neck pain. A new and comfortable device, called the Lief, is custom designed for the patient to wear at night. Within days, patients report dramatic relief.
Banish Headaches with LIEF
A Dunlap Dental patient talks about her life changing experience – her headaches are a thing of the past –another Lief success story!
LIEF steps in where meds and surgeries fail
One of Dunlap Dental’s patients talks about the Lief device’s impact on his quality of life!