Back to School Dental Tips

Your kids are going back to school! You've taken care of their wardrobe needs, school supplies and other items to get them ready. Now it's time to make their dental health part of the back to school routine. Here are a few tips.

  1. Make checkups part of back-to-school routine. Regular schedules tend to go by the wayside during the summer months, but now that things are getting back to normal you should schedule your kids’ dental exam once every six months.

  2. Change toothbrushes regularly. The American Dental Association recommends changing toothbrushes every three months—but you can simplify this task by changing them each time report cards come out. This is more often than every three months, but for convenience you can move the schedule up.

  3. Promote healthy eating. If your child eats in the school cafeteria, give them healthy and balanced food choices. Be proactive about packing lunch if that’s what you do, and make sure healthy foods like fresh fruits and raw veggies are available at home for after school snacking.  

One more thing: sports require mouth guards. This is crucial—make sure your child has a properly fitted mouth guard if he or she participates in sports, PE class or playground activities. Those may still be temporary teeth, especially for younger students, but they need to be safeguarded against injuries.


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